
Egg sorting machines


The Mobanette3 is capable of grading 4 or 7 grades with a maximum capacity of 1.600 eggs/hour. This egg grading machine needs hardly any maintenance, uses very little power and is easily operated by one person.
Just plug it into a wall socket and the egg grading machine is ready to go work for you.
The tubular lamp gives you a good view of all eggs being candled while you handle infeed and packing.

At a weight of just 20.6 kg the Mobanette3 can be regarded as one of the more versatile power tolls for egg farmer.


Technical Data Mobanette 3
Function Grading eggs on weight
Max. Capacity (eggs / hour) 1600
Footprint (LxW) 965 x 853 mm
Weight (kg) 20,6
Operators 1
Candling 1 x 23 watt PL lamp
Grades 4 or 7
Accuracy ± 1 gram
Infeed conveyor

Single row

Power supply 230V 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz. (in case of 110V, an additional transformer is needed)

Moba68 and Moba88 are Moba´s low-volume graders form a vital link in the world´s egg industry with a maximal Capacity from 3.000 or 4.500 eggs/hour and represent an important link in the egg industry.
These egg graders are tailor made for these small scale operations.
Like all Moba machines, the Moba68 and Moba88 are constructed in stainless steel, guaranteeing that maintenance of your equipment will be minimized.

Although the extremely solid and robust design, these low-volume graders are compact and low weight. Making it a versatile solution which can be positioned in the most convenient spot An additional infeed belt is standard equipment on these egg graders.

Product specifications

Technical Data Moba68 Moba88
Function Grading and packing eggs on weight
Max. Capacity (eggs / hour) 3000 4500
Max. Capacity (cases / hour) 8.3 12.5
Footprint (LxW) 1540 x 1755 mm
Weight (kg) 125 150
Operators 1 or 2 2
Candling 2 x 23 watt PL lamp + mirror 2 x 18 watt TL lamp + mirror
Grades 4 or 7
Accuracy ± 1 gram
Infeed conveyor Double row
Power supply 230V 1-phase, 50 or 60 Hz. (in case of 110V, an additional transformer is needed)
Forta GT / Forta ET

The Forta GT promises reliable topline technology and high hygienic standards. It can be configured to your specific needs.
The Forta GT is a game changer in the egg industry, a grader with a capacity of 100 cases/hour or 60 cases/hour, full of high-end features and an easy to control operating system.

The Forta ET is designed with cost efficiency in mind and especially focuses on basic grading functionality with a hygienic stainless steel design and a small footprint in combination with semi-automatic or manual candling of eggs.
The Forta ET is available in two capacities:
Forta ET60: 21.600 eggs/hour
Forta ET100: 36.000 eggs/hour

To save valuable spacing, the Forta ET can be equipped with short automatic packing lanes, which makes the machine easy to integrate into your plant due to its unique small footprint. Die extrem kurze und robuste Anfuhr in Kombination mit den kurzen automatischen Verpackungsbahnen macht die Forta ET zur perfekten Wahl für Ihren Betrieb.

The Forta GT / Forta ET have a Capacity from 18.000 to 36.000 eggs/hour The machine is incorporated into Moba’s individual egg handling concept. This means that from the time the eggs arrive on the rollers at the infeed section all the way down to the consumer pack ancontact between eggs is avoided to reduce the chance of cross contamination.
All of today´s market requirements regarding hygiene such as a washable infeed and packing lanes with removable parts for cleaning post-production are met. The Forta can be configured to your specific needs which means you can add options such as an Egg Inspector, Crack Detector and Blood Detector. That makes the Forta GT and Forta ET your future-proof machine platform.

Optional for Forta GT:
Dirt Detection: Visual system to inspect egg shells for irregularities. It can detect dirt and leakage points. The Dirt Detector works on both brown and white eggs.
Blood detection: A spectral analysis of the egg contents can be used to check the egg for blood spots. Eggs with blood stains can be slid either to a special packing lane or to the output zone of the machine.
Shell inspector: This magneto-acoustic system detects even the smallest hairline cracks. The intelligent software of the Forta makes it possible to subsequently sort out opened eggs.

Product Specifications

Technical DataForta GT60Forta GT100
FunctionGrading and packing eggs on weight and/or defectsGrading and packing eggs on weight and/or defects
Min. Capacity [eggs / hour]18.00018.000
Max. Capacity [eggs / hour]21.60036.000
Number of transpoort tracks11
Number of infeed rows66
Min. lenght without options43934393
Width without options93189318
Min. no. of Packing lanes22
Max. no. of Packing lanes1818

Technical DataForta ET60Forta ET100
FunctionGrading and packing eggs on weight and (semi-automatically) on defects
Min. capacity [eggs / hour]18.00018.000
Max. capacity [eggs/hour]21.60036.000
Number of transport tracks11
Number of infeed rows66
Min. length wihtout options43934393
Width without options93189318
Min. no. of Packing lanes22
Max. no. of Packing lanes1818

Possible configurations for                               Forta GT                                    Forta ET

Crack detection                                                             +
Blood detection                                                             +
Leaker detection                                                           +
Dirt detection                                                                +
Inline                                                                              + +
Offline                                                                            + +
Omnia XF2

The Omnia XF series has without doubt the biggest installed base in the egg industry. These egg grading machines have proven themselves to be reliable and are being operated by thousand of customers around the world.

As the machines combine Moba’s unsurpassed individual egg handling with stainless steel constructions and removable packer parts for easy cleaning. They were given the name “XF” standing for “eXtended Food safety”.

The new Omnia XF2 has had a hygiene upgrade and
an expansion of its capacity from 45.000 up to 255.000 eggs/hour.
It not only offers and infeed system that can be cleaned entirely using foam cleaning agents and high-pressure cleaning systems, but the infeed system also features an open frame design with no dirt traps.

It has never been so easy to access the technology during cleaning – this ease of cleaning is the true hallmark of the new XF2 and the modern Omnia family.

Product specifications

Technical Data XF2-125 XF2-170 XF2-250 XF2-330 XF2-500 XF2-700
Function Grading and packing eggs on weight and / or defects
Capacity (eggs / hour) 45,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 180,000 255,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 125 170 250 330 500 700
Tracks 2 2 4 4 6 8
Infeed rows 6 6 12 12 18 24
Minimum number packing lanes 6 8 8 10 14 18
Maximum number packing lanes 12 16 16 24 24 32
Optional features
Egg Inspector (leaker and dirt) O O O O O O
Shell Inspector (crack and shell strength) O O O O O O
Blood Detector O O O O O O
UV disinfection of eggs O O O O O O
Main hygienic features
Downwash infeed system + + + + + +
Downwash packing lanes +
Cleaning in place – infeed
Cleaning in place – weighing system
Cleaning in place – tracks
UV disinfection on egg-carrier tracks
Omnia FT

The Omnia FT Series offers enhanced cleaning and detection features over the FX Series. The “FT” stands for “Food Technology” and combines the highest food safety standards in the industry with Moba’s famous individual egg handling. Resulting in one of the most efficient machines available within the Omnia series.

The Omnia FT offers everything the new Omnia XF2 offers, including additional hygiene functions in the infeed section. The robust but open infeed construction allows for high-pressure cleaning and includes a cleaning in place system for all rollers. The open construction ensures easy access for maintenance and reduction in cleaning time.

Due to the latest innovations, the Omnia FT is available in a broad range of capacities, ranging from 45.000 eggs / hour to 255.000 eggs / hour.

Product specifications

Technical Data FT125 FT170 FT250 FT330 FT500 FT700
Function Grading and packing eggs on weight and / or defects
Capacity (eggs / hour) 45,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 180,000 255,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 125 170 250 330 500 700
Tracks 2 2 4 4 6 8
Infeed rows 6 6 12 12 18 24
Minimum number packing lanes 6 8 8 10 14 18
Maximum number packing lanes 12 16 16 24 24 32
Optional features
Egg Inspector (leaker and dirt) O O O O O O
Shell Inspector (crack and shell strength) O O O O O O
Blood Detector O O O O O O
UV disinfection of eggs O O O O O O
Main hygienic features
Downwash infeed system + + + + + +
Downwash packing lanes +
Cleaning in place – infeed + + + + + +
Cleaning in place – weighing system
Cleaning in place – tracks
UV disinfection on egg – carrier tracks
Omnia PX

With the Omnia PX series, MOBA sets a new standard within the industry regarding three important goals for egg producers.
It is our firm belief that customers benefit the most from their investment in equipment if packaging costs, labor costs and losses throughout the process are significantly reduced. The Omnia PX sets the standard within the industry regarding these points. It achieves top efficiency with 2% more Grade A eggs of quality class A and complies with the highest standards in hygiene and food safety.

With the Omnia PX series, you can expect everything the Omnia FT has to offer with additional control and hygiene functions throughout the machine. For example, all the machine parts that handle eggs can be disinfected with UV and the machinery is equipped with touch screens above the packing lanes for quick product changes and fewer operator errors.

Due to the latest innovations, the Omnia PX also offers an extremely broad range of capacities, ranging from 45.000 eggs/hour to 255.000 eggs/hour.

Product specifications

Technical Data PX125 PX180 PX250 PX350 PX530 PX700
function Grading and packing eggs on weight and / or defects
Capacity (eggs / hour) 45,000 64,000 90,000 127,000 191,000 255,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 125 180 250 350 530 700
Tracks 2 2 4 4 6 8
Infeed rows 6 6 12 12 18 24
Minimum number packing lanes 6 8 8 10 14 18
Maximum number packing lanes 12 16 16 24 24 32
Optional features
Egg Inspector (leaker and dirt) O O O O O O
Shell Inspector (crack and shell strength) O O O O O O
Blood Detector O O O O O O
UV disinfection on eggs O O O O O O
Main hygienic features
Downwash infeed system + + + + + +
Downwash packing lanes + + + + + +
Cleaning in place – infeed + + + + + +
Cleaning in place – weighing system + + + + + +
Cleaning in place – tracks + + + + + +
UV disinfection on egg-carrier tracks + + + + + +
Moba Grader Options
Optionale Funktionen für Eiersortiermaschinen

Additional functions and peripherals are available for MOBA egg grading equipment.

Because not two packing stations are the same, an Omnia can be upgraded. Therefore various options are available to configure the equipment to your specific needs.
An example of options are the detection systems such as:

  • Crack detector
  • Vision shell Inspector
  • UV-Desinfektion
  • Egg Inspector
  • Shell Strengh Detection
  • Multi Outlet
  • Blood detector
  • Brown detector
  • Parts Waher

Product specifications

Verfügbar_fürVisuelle RisserkennungSchalenstärke ErkennungMulti-AuslassRiss DetektorUV DesinfektionBlut DetektorEier InspektorBraun DetektorKomponenten-Reiniger
Forta ET-
Forta GT-+--+++--
Omnia 85---+++-++
Omnia 125+--++++++
Omnia 170---++++++
Omnia 180++-++++++
Omnia 250+--++++++
Omnia 330---++++++
Omnia 350++-++++++
Omnia 500---++++++
Omnia 530++-++++++
Omnia 700+++++++++

Packaging machines

Mopack 40/55/70
Eierverpackungsmaschine Mopack-40-55-70

The farmpacker Mopack40/55/70, with its robust design and proven technology, is designed for your benefit. With a capacity from 14.400 to 25.000 eggs/hour.

On farms without grading capacity, eggs must be prepared for transport by putting them on trays. Moba farmpackers have the reputation of doing this with great care and a high speed.

The “gentle touch” philosophy is even found in these smart machines. Once the eggs are in the farmpacker, they will never have contact with other eggs and are handling individually.

Mopacks are constructed of stainless steel and are easy to clean. Mopacks have as much equipment above the egg flow as possible thanks to the track system. The result: optimized performance and better product treatment.

Product specifications

Technical Data Mopack40 Mopack55 Mopack70
Function Farmpacking
Capacity (eggs / hour) 14,400 20,000 25,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 40 55 70
Footprint (L x W) 4327 x 2502 mm
Type Inkjet Singlehead continuous inkjet Singlehead continuous inkjet Singlehead continuous Inkjet
Type Horizontal carrousel
Power supply 200 – 230V 1-phase or 380 – 430V 3-phase + 0, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power consumption 0.5 kVA (without Tray stacker)

The Mopack100 offers the latest innovations in farmpacking and is capable of
packing 36.000 eggs/hour, day in day out.

On farms without grading capacity, eggs must be prepared for transport by putting them on trays. Moba farmpackers have the reputation of doing this with great care and a high speed.
The “gentle touch” philosophy is even found in these smart machines. Once the eggs are in the farmpacker, they will never have contact with other eggs and are handling individually.

Mopacks are constructed of stainless steel and are easy to clean. Mopacks have as much equipment above the egg flow as possible thanks to the track system. The result: optimized performance and better product treatment.

Product specifications

Technical Data Mopack100
Function Farmpacking
Capacity (eggs / hour) 36,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 100
Footprint (LxW) 4712 x 2667 mm
Type inkjet Singlehead continuous inkjet
Type Vertical carrousel
Power supply 200 – 230V 1-phase or 380 – 430V 3-phase + 0, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power consumption 2.5 kVA (without Tray stacker)

The Mopack150 combines the traditional virtues of continuous movements with the capacity advantage of packing 6 eggs in one cycle.

Where traditional packerhead construction wait for the 6th eggs the Mopack150 ensures the availability of 6 eggs at all times, so there is no need to wait at all.

This results in a continuous movement that combines egg handling and high capacity of 54.000 eggs/hour.

Product specifications

Technical Data Mopack150
Function Farmpacking
Capacity (eggs / hour) 54,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 150
Footprint (LxW) 8420 x 3011 mm
Type inkjet 6 row parallel cartridge system
Type 6 rows parallel
Power supply 200 – 230V 1-phase or 380 – 430V 3-phase + 0, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power consumption 2.0 kVA (without Tray stacker)
Mopack R

The Mopack R is a stainless steel machine which
can pack eggs into consumer packs and trays with a maximum Capacity of 30.000 eggs/hour.
The machine can be configured as inline, directly processing eggs from chicken house. In another configuration, this machine can be equipped with a loader.
With that configuration the Mopack R is capable to pack eggs from trays into consumer packs. In the marking these type of machines are often called “Repackers”.

The design of the machine is based on the sophisticated and reliable equipment of the Moba Mopack 100. The machine has a well-built robust design and has low maintenance technology with its hygienic and easy to clean construction. This makes the Mopack R a reliable machine which will last for many years and is designed for your profit.

Product specifications

Technical Data MopackR
Function Repacking
Capacity (eggs / hour) 30,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 84
Footprint (LxW) 8069 x 2660 mm
Type inkjet Single head continuous inkjet
Type Vertical carrousel
Power supply 200 – 230V 1-phase or 380 – 430V 3-phase + 0, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power consumption 2.5 kVA (without Tray stacker)
Tray Stacker TS10

The TS10 is a stainless steel machine with a capacity of up to 36,000 eggs/hour, that can stack 6 trays automatically on top of each other, to further automate farmpacking or egg grading machines.

It is a compact machine that, apart from being connected to a Farmpacker, also can be integrated in a packing line of an egg grading machine.

Also the TS10 can be installed away from the egg grader in a stand-alone configuration, through a conveyor system.

Product specifications

Technical Data Tray Stacker TS10
Function Tray Stacking
Capacity (eggs / hour) 36,000
Capacity (cases / hour) 100
Power supply 200 – 230V 1-phase or 380 – 430V 3-phase + 0, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power consumption 0.5 kVA (without Tray stacker)
Easy-lift System

The EASY-LIFT SYSTEM is a semi-automatic system for easy unloading or loading stacks of trays.

With this tool even a small person can easily handle up to four stacks in one single manipulation, which is up to 120.000 eggs/hour.

Product specifications

Technical Data Easylift
Function Tray palletising and tray de-palletising
Capacity (eggs/hour, four stacks placed in 22 seconds) 120000
Capacity (cases / hour) 330
Radius of working area (m) 2,60
Height of working area (m) 2,10
Minimum ceiling height with 5 layers per pallet (m) 3,40
Minimum ceiling height with 6 layers per pallet (m) 3,75
Air supply Minimum 6 bar
colour RAL 5013, blue
MR10 Case Packer

The MR10 is specially designed to pack consumer packs and trays into cases or crates. It can be connected “inline”, that is directly behind a block of packing lanes or an egg grading machine, or “offline” via a logistic conveyor system (Contiflow).

Depending on the type of egg packaging, the capacity of the MR10 varies between 30,000 eggs (80 cartons) and over 40,000 eggs (110 cartons) per hour. Depending on the type of egg pack, the capacity of the MR10 can vary from 30.000 (80 cases) up to more than 40.000 eggs (110 cases) per hour. As a rule of thumb approximately 12 cycles per minute can be calculated, resulting in a basic capacity of approximately 35.000 eggs (97 cases) per hour, based on 48 eggs per packing cycle.

Product specifications

Technical Data MR10
Function Packs consumer packs and filled trays into cases and crates
Capacity indication (eggs / hour) 25,000 – 40,000
Flootprint (L x W) 4461 x 1096 mm
Power supply Suitable for all 3 phase + neutral systems, both 200-230V and 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz
Power consumption 7 KVA
Air supply 6.5 – 8.5 bar
Air consumption 15 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar)
dew point 3 C °
MR12 Case Packer

The MR12 is a Twin Case Packer robotic system especially designed for the high demanding market in the egg industry.
A special and unique feature of the MR12 is the ability to process two independent products.
Both channels of the MR12 can be operated independently what makes this system very flexible.
By using both channels on different grades, a very high and constant throughput in relation to floor space can be reached.

The MR12 can be equipped with following functions:

  • Extended gravity conveyor for manual input of empty cases
  • Connection to a compact case erector
  • Open pack reject conveyor for inline configuration
  • Straight forward case alignment unit
  • Smart cross-over for consumer packs and trays to connect to Contiflow Pack splitter

Product specifications

Technical Data MR12 Case Packer
Function Packs consumer packs and filled trays into cases and crates
Capacity indication (eggs / hour) up to 64,800
Capacity indication (cases / hour) 180
Pack types Suitable for processing consumer packs and trays
Footprint indication (L x W) 3110 x 1100 mm
Power supply

Suitable for all 3 phase + neutral systems, both 200-230V or 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz

Power consumption

10 KVA

Air supply

6 bar

Air consumption

13 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar)


3 C °

MR30 Case-display-combi

The MR30 is a smart combination of the capabilities of the MR10 plus additional capabilities to handle displays and has a capacity of 25.000 to 40.000 eggs/hour.

This robot can be set up either as case packer or as display loeader. It can only be connected inline in a limited number of configurations and will therefore mostly be positioned offline, that is away from the egg grading machine.

The MR30 can be equipped with all the options available for the MR10 plus all the additional options in display pallet handling.

Product specifications

Technical Data MR30 Case-Display-Combi
Function Packs consumer packs and filled trays into cases, crates, and displays
Capacity indication (eggs / hour) 25,000 – 40,000
Footprint indication (L x W) 5570 x 2141 mm
Power supply

Suitable for all 3 phase + neutral systems, both 200-230V and 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz

Power consumption


Air supply

6.5 – 8.5 bar

Air consumption

15 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with a pressure of 1 bar)


3 C °

MR40 Tray Palletizer

MR40 Tray Palletizer is a system which automatically places a row of stacks, six trays each on a pallet.
The MR40 is capable of palletizing stacks of trays coming from one or two Farmpackers or packing lanes from an egg grading machine.

It has a maximum capacity of 108.000 eggs (300 cases) per hour and can process both plastic and paper trays. It stacks on wooden pallets with cardboard layer pads, as well as on all known pallet systems, such as the Egg-Cargo system(ECS)..

Product specifications

Technical Data MR40
Function Tray palletizing
Capacity indication (eggs / hour) 108,000
Footprint indication (L x W) Depending on the layout
Power supply

Suitable for all 3 phase + neutral systems, both 200-230V or 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz

Power consumption

11 KVA

Air supply

6.5 – 8.5 bar

Air consumption

0.4 – 1.6 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar)


3 C °

MR50 De-Palletizer

MR50 De-Palletizer is capable of de-palletizing all know pallet system such as the Eggs Cargo System (ECS) and has a maximum capacity of 191.000 eggs (530 cases) per hour.

It can be connected to Moba loaders with a continuous running pre-loader belt such as for example the TVS60, TVS120, FL330 and FL500.

Product specifications

Technical Data MR50
Function Tray-depalletizing
Capacity indication (eggs / hour) 191,000
Footprint indication (L x W) Depending on layout
Power supply

Suitable for all 3 phase + neutral systems, both 200-230V or 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz

Power consumption

11 KVA

Air supply

6.5 – 8.5 bar

Air consumption

0.7 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar)


3 C °

MR60 Case Palletizer

The MR60 Case Palletizer is capable of palletizing cases and crates filled with consumer packs.
This is a capacity of 120.000 eggs/hour.

Consumer packs can be put in cases or crates by manual loading, or by automation through case packers. These cases can be stacked on pallets for transport to the retail or distribution center.

Product specifications

Technical Data MR60
Function Case palletizing
Capacity (cycles / min.) 3 – 4
Maximum pallet height ± 2275 including pallet
Footprint indication (L x W) 6520 x 9708 mm
Power supply Suitable for all 3 phase+ neutral systems, both 200-230V or 380-420V, 50 or 60Hz
Air supply

6.5 – 8.5 bar

Air consumption

15 m 3 / hour (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar)

Maxipack M16 / 22

The Maxipack M16 or Maxipack M22 is an automatic chicken bagging machine for both frozen and fresh end products. This bird processing machine is capable of processing birds in a weight range from 600 to 2500 grams.

Like all Moba machines, the Maxipack has been designed and built for high reliability and minimum maintenance. Parts are made of stainless steel and high-quality plastics. All sensitive components are well shielded, so the entire machine can be cleaned with high pressure.

Although the capacity of the machine is over 1.100 cycles per hour, the human operator limits the Maxipack to a realistic output of approx. 800 birds/hour. The output depends on the local conditions, such as bag and tape quality, and the organization around the machine.

Product specifications

Technical Data M16 M22
Weight range (grams) 600 – 1 800 g 1 000 – 2 500 g
Capacity (taper) 800
Capacity (cliper) 750
Footprint (mm) 2399 x 1071 (L x W)
Power supply (other systems upon request) 380 – 415 Volt system, 3 Phase + Neutral, 50 or 60 Hz.
Power supply on request 200-240 Volt
Power consumption 1.4 kVA
Air supply 8 bar
Air consumption (designed as free air with pressure of 1 bar) 41
Allowed air supply fluctuations ± 0.5 bar
Maximum dewpoint 3 C °
Meggbot TP100

The Meggbot TP100 Tray Palletizer automatically places a row of stacks, up to 5 or 6 layers high, on a pallet.
It can handle up to 36,000 eggs (100 cases) per hour and works both with plastic and pulp (optional) trays. This tray palletizer is capable of gently handling stacks of trays coming from the Mopack and Diamond series Farmpackers.

The Meggbot is part of Meggson’s portfolio. A third party that Moba joined forces with so that we can better serve the market with placed egg handling solutions.

The Meggbot is a compact and affordable solution that will maximize the efficiency of your operation and reduce labor costs. The complete stainless steel construction and integrated light screens create a safe and open design. The equipment is easy to control via a touch screen.

Product specifications

Technical data Meggbot TP100
Function Hump palletizing
Number of loading bays 1
Capacity (eggs/hour) 36,000
Footprint (L x W) 1.99 x 2.58 m
Height 2.86 m (6H) or 2.54 m (5H)
Number of separator plates in the magazine up to 20 dividers
Feed side hump Left or right
Power supply 50/60 Hz – 230V
Air supply No

PELBO Egg breakers


The PELBO MICRO25 egg-breaking machine is designed for samall scale egg-breaking operations as well as foodstuff, pasta and pastry plants. It has a variable production capacity from 900 to 9.000 eggs/hour (2.5 – 25 cph).

The Micro25 is a whole egg breaker, that can be operated with chutes as well for great egg-yolk separation. Its compact size allows it to be installed just about anywhere, even in smaller places.

The machine can be equipped with either a manual loading system or a water-loader. When required, the Micro25 egg-breaker can also be supplied with a straight-forward egg washing machine.

The Micro25 is built in compliance with the strictest food hygiene standards. It is consequently all its components, identical to the ones in the high-capacity egg breakers. These components can be cleaned with ease and ensures reliable operation for many years.

Min. capacity: 900 eggs/hour or 3 cases/hour

Max. capacity: 9.000 eggs/hour or 25 cases/hour

Product specifications

Technical data Micro25    Micro32
Min. Capacity (eggs / hour) 900
Max. Capacity (eggs / hour) 9.000          12.000
Min. Capacity (cases / hour) 3
Max. Capacity (cases / hour) 25                 32
Loading Manual / Inline
Separation Chute
NANO Breakers 3M75

The PELBO NANO breaker 3M75 is a flexible egg breaking system designed for small sized egg processing plants. Nano3M75 breaker can process from 2.000 to 27.000 eggs/hour.

Since it is based on exactly the same technology as the high capacity Pelbo breakers, the same high reliability and performance can be expected. Combined with ease of use and low operating costs, this Moba machine is suitable for small to medium sized operations

The NANO 3M75 breaker can be equipped with separating trays allowing egg white/yolk separation. To increase the capacity up to 45.000 eggs/hour the breaker can be later upgraded to a NANO 3M125 breaker. This quick and easy installation can be done directly at the plants.

Product specifications

Technical data NANO 3M75 NANO 5M125
Capacity (eggs/hour) 27 000 45 000
Range (cartons/hour) 75 125
upgrade up to 125 – 5M125
Rows 3 5
Loading Manual / Inline Crono 1 / Inline
Separation chutes chutes
SIMPLEX whole egg breakers

The PELBO SIMPLEX whole egg breakers are based on a worldwide proven technology.
The whole egg breakers are available in three versions:
72.000 eggs/hour, 144.000 eggs/hour and 180.000 eggs/hour.

Simplex breakers use the unique and innovative self-synchronization system of the main movement of the egg breaker. The breaker offers better performance and higher yield.

The hygienic design simplifies all cleaning procedures because it can be integrated with the plant CIP system. For an easy, fast and inexpensive CIP cleaning. Due to this, the maintenance of your equipment is minimized.

Practically all components are made of stainless steel Plastic materials are used ONLY for non-critical components. Routine maintenance operations are made easy because of the open access to all the parts of the machines. Simplex whole egg breakers are an answer when there is a need to improve egg breaking lines

Product specifications

Technical data 6M200 12M400         15M500            15M626
Rows 6                        12                              15                     15
Min. Capacity (eggs / hour) 20.000 40.000           40.000
Max. Capacity (eggs / hour) 72.000 144.000           180.000            225.360
Min. Capacity (cases / hour) 56                    112                               112
Max. Capacity (cases / hour) 200 400            500                   626
upgrade yes                  yes                                yes                    no
Loading Crono 2        Crono 4/Dual Crono 2  Crono6           Crono 9
Separation Slides              Slides                            Slides               Slides
SIMPLEX Egg Breakers / Seperators 3S75 and 5S125

The PELBO SIMPLEX egg breakers are designed for small to medium sized egg processing plants. They are available in two versions both capable of breaking eggs and separating yolk and albumen:

  • Simplex 3S75: from 2.000 up to 27.000 eggs/hour
  • Simplex 5S125: from 18.000 up to 45.000 eggs/hour

The Simplex 3S75 breaker is developed in such a way that an upgrade to the Simplex 5S125 is a possibility. Such an upgrade can be done directly at the plant.

The Simplex egg breakers are based on the same technology as the high capacity Pelbo breakers. Resulting in a high level of reliability and performance.

Simplex breakers/separators can be equipped with the Albuchecker egg white scanning system for an automatic albumen inspection. Which results in obtaining premium quality egg white with a reduction of labor.

SYNCHRO Egg Breakers / Seperators 3S75 and 5S125

The Pelbo SYNCHRO egg breakers / separators are high capacity machines with high yields and a proven reliability.
Synchro breakers are available in six models from 20.000 eggs/hour up to 225.360 eggs/hour.

The highest capacity family member of the SYNCHRO series – the Synchro626 breaker – combines high capacity with slow and safe egg handling speed that is unseen in today´s market.
It is using the same proven technology as in the other Synchro breakers. Because of this there is no compromise in egg handling and this results in high proven yield, minimum whole egg quantities, high quality in egg white (less fat content) and an increase in yolk dry matter

Through the use of the unique and innovative self-synchronization system, the Synchro breakers offer better product performance.

The Synchro breakers are designed in such a way that product scanning and separation takes place on the same level. Product streams will never cross each other. This way of processing keeps product handling and zone washing completely separate. Connected to a CIP (Clean In Place) system it simplifies the cleaning procedures and offers fast and inexpensive hygiene. Due to this, the maintenance of your equipment is minimized.

The egg crackers and separation cups are constructed of stainless steel. This allowing heavy duty cleaning and offering lower wear.

All parts of the machines are easily accessible which makes routine maintenance operations effortless. Synchro breakers are the answer to your needs to improve your efficiency in egg breaking.

PELBO Egg Processing Systems

Ovolution integrated egg processing system

The Pelbo Ovolution system is a completely integrated egg processing system where all steps of liquid egg processing such as egg breaking, blending, pasteurizing, packaging and CIP cleaning are incorporated.
In fact, it is a complete “plug-and-play” pre-assembled egg processing factory.

The system is available in capacities from 300 to 2,000 liters per hour. The units are pre-assembled on a stainless steel skid and are extensively tested before shipment to ensure a quick and easy installation.

Ovolution is a proven technology delivering:

  • Better product performance
  • Higher energy efficiency
  • Lower operational costs
  • Higher bacterial reduction (long shelf life)

The Ovolution system can be supplied with an automatic packaging system for a wide range of sizes and packaging materials, from 1 kg to 1.000 kg.

The Ovolution system is a proven reliable and valuable option for an easy and quick start in the industry of liquid egg products.

Please choose:


Meggbot TP100

The Meggbot TP100 is the most compact and most affordable solution for the automatic palletisation of eggs. A unique product that can be used for all packer brands.
Its high capacity saves poultry farmers a lot of time and makes the work much easier.
This is the most compact and affordable robot.

  • Up to 16 dividers in storage
  • Compact gripper for egg movement
  • Work area guarded with integrated safety screens
  • Power 230 V
  • Most complete and compact robot

Magazine for dividers
The Meggbot TP100 has an integrated storage for a maximum of 16 dividers. The storage is filled automatically by placing a pallet with dividers. During the palletisation process, the machine automatically places the dividers on the pallet.

Meggbot TP100 +
Eierverpackungsmaschine Meggbot-TP100 Plus

The Meggbot TP100 + combines compactness with a pallet magazine and possibly a buffer position. It enables the most cost-effective and space-saving palletizing, supplemented by an automatic pallet feed and buffer options, so that the eggs can be automatically palletized very conveniently and in a user-friendly manner.

  • Practical touchscreen operation
  • Only 230 V connection required, no compressed air connection
  • Up to 20 dividers in the magazine
  • Automatic pallet magazine
  • Capacity 36,000 eggs per hour
  • Optional buffering of full pallets in up to 2 positions

Pallet buffering
A separate safety screen in the buffer and output area ensures that the machine continues to run when the full pallet is removed. With 2 buffer positions, a TP100 + can palletize more than 40,000 eggs without the need to change pallets by hand.

Automatic pallet magazine
The addition of a pallet magazine is unique to the TP100 +. There is no longer any logistical effort required, as the Meggbot automatically removes a new pallet from the pallet magazine and puts it down. This makes work easier and saves time.


Meggbot TP100
Eierverpackungsmaschine Meggbot-TP100

The Meggbot TP100 is very good for palletizing humps after a sorting system. MEGGSON has implemented a number of solutions (often in combination with 2 sorting systems), the export of which is collected by the Meggbot TP100. By using the TP100 you can easily relieve your employees and save work.

  • User-friendly operation for your employees
  • 16 dividers in the buffer of the magazine
  • Machine made entirely of stainless steel
  • Integrated light barriers

Autoscan function
During palletizing, the pallet is continuously monitored by sensors. The pallet is automatically scanned and then further palletized by the robot. Employees do not need to enter any settings. Just press the green button.

Magazine for dividers
The Meggbot TP100 has an integrated storage for a maximum of 16 dividers. The storage is filled automatically by placing a pallet with dividers. During the palletisation process, the machine automatically places the dividers on the pallet.


Meggbot ST70
Eierverpackungsmaschine Meggbot-ST70

The Meggbot ST70 is the simplest robot for filling trolleys and for stacking pulp trays on pallets. A unique product suitable for all brands of packagers. The high capacity saves considerable time and makes work easier.

  • User-friendly touchscreen operation
  • Power supply 230V
  • Fully automated process
  • Safety area secured with integrated protective shields
  • High-quality stainless steel and plastic straps result in minimal maintenance costs

Incubator in trolleys
The trolley or pre-hatching cart is inserted into the clamping mechanism outside the Meggbot. After positioning and clamping the cart, the Meggbot automatically scans the positions of the hatchery trays.

Palletize trays
Farm packers are often equipped with a single stacker that stacks from below and are removed from the stacker when complete. The Meggbot ST70 can pick up stacks from this type of stacker as well as the stack from the conveyor belt. The pallet is stacked on the pallet position within the 4 stands of the Meggbot.

Please choose:


Olympus OP60
Eier Auszeichner Olympus-OP60

The Olympus OP60 is a top model among egg labeling machines and has already been shipped over 6,000 times all over the world. It is suitable for all MOBA, Diamond and Staalkat egg sorting machines. With the quick-change bracket, the machines can easily be changed from lane to lane.

Olympus First Apply (FA)
Eier Auszeichner

The Olympus First Apply (FA) is the most technologically advanced printer and applicator among egg labeling machines with real-time labeling functionality, no label loop, liquid crystal display and interactive user interface. It is suitable for all MOBA, Diamond and Staalkat egg sorting machines. Thanks to the quick-release fastener, the machines can easily be changed from lane to lane.


OP12neo inkjet printer
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine OP12neo-Inkjet-Drucker

The OP12neo utilizes the latest in cartridge-based printing technology and offers superior performance, durability, ease of use and cost-effective direct marking of your egg packages. With crisp, clear labeling on all packaging, including plastic, it is the best performing inkjet printer on the market today.


Egg-Jet Piccolo
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, small print device, hand model
Manual operation with a print head
1- to 2-line labeling possible

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 4.2mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Output: up to 4,000 eggs / hour


  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Egg-Jet BAN1
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, Independent Marking
Automatic table model
Automatic operation with a print head
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning
    Ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 4.2mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Output: up to 8,000 eggs / hour


  • Roller conveyor, mobile substructure
  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Egg-Jet BAN5
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Automatic table model
Automatic operation with five print heads
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 4.2mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Output: up to 24,000 eggs / hour


  • Roller conveyor, mobile substructure
  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook



Egg-Jet Sprinter R1
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to Mopack 55/70
Automatic marking on the carousel of the Mopack 55/70 with a print head
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 4.2mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Output: 36,000 eggs / hour


  • Counter
  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Egg-Jet Sprinter R6
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to the discharge or infeed conveyor to the box stacker of farm packers
Automatic labeling with six print heads of the eggs in 30 humps on the discharge belt or infeed belt to the container stacker from Staalkat, Diamond, and Prinzenfarmpacker
1- to 2-line labeling possible

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 8.5mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Output: 36,000 eggs / hour


  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook



Egg-Jet SOR1
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to sorting machines
Automatic marking with a print head on the weighing beam or the chain of sorting machines. (Moba Mobanette, Staalkat Micro- or Intercompacta
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 8.5mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Performance: like sorting machine


  • Counter
  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Egg-Jet SOR2 M68
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to Moba 68/88
Automatic marking with two print heads on the weighing beam of the Moba 68/88 sorting machine.
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 8.5mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Performance: like sorting machine


  • Counter
  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook



Egg-Jet SOR3
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to the supply roller conveyor of three-row sorting machines
Automatic labeling with three print heads on the infeed roller conveyor.
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 8.5mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Performance: like sorting machine


  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Egg-Jet SOR6
Eier Beschriftungsmaschine

Series 20, high-performance labeling
Attachment to the feed roller conveyor of six-row sorting machines
Automatic marking with six print heads on the infeed roller conveyor.
1- to 2-line labeling possible.

  • Proven, rust-free device design guarantees a long service life
  • Good font quality thanks to the height-adjustable print head
  • Control panel: 8 print texts, position CL nozzle cleaning, ink quantity adjustable (50% to 100%)
  • Various fonts, signs and logos
  • Automatic date function
  • Tested, food-safe ink for eggs
  • Print area: height: 8.5mm, length: approx. 25mm
  • Connection: 1 x 230 volts

Performance: like sorting machine


  • Interface cable for programming via external PC / notebook


Hand vacuum cleaner set

Set of 12 hand vacuum cleaners
Consists of a 12 hand vacuum cleaner, vacuum pump incl. Hose with quick connectors.

30 hand vacuum cleaner set
consisting of a 30 hand vacuum cleaner, vacuum pump incl. Hose with quick connectors. optional: relief spring

Vacuum pump 75
with connections for operating two 30 mm hand vacuums at the same time


Single, double and group counters

Our egg counters can be installed on hand packing, egg sorting and various assembly line machines.

Option 1: simple counter
Total count for reading

Option 2: double counter
Total counting with period counting for reading

Option 3: Group counter
Software-supported weight group counter with traceability

  • Readout via interface on PC
  • statistical recording of the production volume.

The products can be queried by name, date or supplier.
The counter can be used mechanically and in terms of software on all egg sorting machines.


GR2 Legal-for-trade precision egg scale
GR2 Eichtüchtige Präzisionseierwaage

for packing stations to check the sorted goods
with calibration approval
Display: 0.01 g, Max weight: 650 g,
Incl. EU calibration

GR1 Legal-for-trade precision egg scale
GR1 Eichtüchtige Präzisionseierwaage

for packing stations to check the sorted goods
with calibration approval
Display: 1 g, max weight: 3000 g,
Incl. EU calibration

GR 3 pocket precision balance
GR3 Taschenpräzisionseierwaage

for quick
Check the weight up to a maximum of 150 g
with an accuracy of +/- 1/10 gram.


stainless steel
  • for separating yolk and egg white
  • Easy to clean